Author Archives: Joshua Johnson

Good Riddance 2014: The Year of Division

It seems that nearly every year since 2001 I have been happy to see go come New Years and 2014 is no exception. While sometimes it’s personal reasons, the grander narrative seems to be my prime motivation for hating a … read more

Romney for President Again? Only to the Dellusional Right! UPDATED

This story originally ran on Nov 28, 2014 @ 5:25 . For updates, see below. Remember Mitt Romney? I didn’t think so. He’s the guy that ran for President twice culminating in a crushing electoral landslide defeat at the hands of … read more

Ebola Mysteriously Dissapears as News Story After Election

Remember Ebola? The coming death of our time? The great threat to America? Wasn’t that a huge story just the Monday before Election Day? Well, now that the corporations and the media they own have gotten their way, it is … Dive into this…

FU America! Record Low Voter Turnout Elects Most Radical Right Government in US History… Suckers!

Good work America! An electorate angry about Washington gridlock, lack of focus on issues that matter to them and angry at both parties, decided to stay home, allowing a high turnout of radical conservative old and white voters to send … read more

The $4 Billion GOP Corporate Campaign to Convince Democrats to Stay Home

So all I see in the news, even in the left blogs, is how doomed the Democrats are despite being within the margin of error in 4-5 crucial races, ahead in others and despite the claims of the right-wing media, … read more