I’m Over the Clintons

bill & hillary clinton looking bad

The recent actions of Hillary and husband Bill are about as despicable as despicable gets. They’ve proven, to those who see beyond the political gimmicks and tactics, that they are politicians interested only in there own legacy and care so little for the future of this nation or the American people, that they are willing to burn the village in order to save it. That’s the same village, by the way, that Hillary once said it took to raise a child.

I used to love Bill, that is, in the way that a voter loves a politician (which is one of the lesser forms of love) I’ve never really cared much for Hillary, but that didn’t really matter because she was just the first lady. While surrounded by wimpy Democrats and a wife that had done him more harm than good, Bill stood up to the Republican machine and helped to stop most of their destructive agenda. While he screwed things up royally by getting a blow job, he survived the obvious political desperation of the Republicans and cut the momentum of their movement in half. Hillary, on the other hand, was largely absent for most of this. She helped, sure, so did a multitude of staffers and political think-tanks. However, it was Hillary’s tin-ear and stubborn nature that destroyed the chances of health-care, an absolute failure that not only missed an opportunity, it proved to be an enormous blunder that has cost America dearly and led to the Republican takeover in 1994. Somehow, people seem to forget that she failed in her key issue and made the opposition stronger. Bill, as a result, had her isolated, along with a great deal of others (like George Stephanoupolis).

This was a hard issue for me to forgive her for, especially as health-care deteriorated in this country, affecting me to a great deal. Alas, I did forgive her and looked the other way on her mediocre track record. When she ran for Senator in New York, it seemed like political opportunism, when she voted with Bush on a variety of Right-Wing bills, I became irked, when she voted to authorize Bush to invade Iraq, I was enraged, and had to find some extra forgiveness in me once again. Even after another 4 years of absolutely politically motivated moves that served nobody but herself, I found myself on her side once more.

Hillary has been useless on Iraq

Now things have changed. First off, Bill is no longer this great man to me anymore. He’s become kind of a joke, more of an angry old man that flies off the handle and makes stupid statements. He’s a notorious bad loser and it’s really shined through in the running of this campaign. Together, along with silent daughter Chelsea (who is rumored to be even more influential than Bill) they’ve engineered the almost certainty of defeat into an almost certain close defeat. They still will not likely win, but never count out the Clintons, decency and shame are not in their vocabulary. Even if they have to destroy the party to win, they’ll do it. This IS precisely what they ARE doing.

They’ve sapped the momentum of the party, given comfort to our enemies and pulled out the slimiest tactics from the Rove play book they could find. Her Mondale-esque 3am phone call helped her win with scare tactics, the more recent commercials with Osama bin Laden would have made Rove proud. What would have made Rove proudest of all is the use of Race. From Bill Clinton’s under the radar “Obama would be a risk” to her continued use of the Rev. Wright debacle to her advantage, they should be ashamed of themselves. She SHOULD be defending Obama against attacks from Fox News, which she should know all to well are despicable and unfounded. NOOO, instead, she sees opportunity. Just as the “leaked” San Francisco tape of Obama calling Pennsylvanians bitter that she trumpeted up before the sun had risen, Hillary has proven that she is the type of person that will greet you with a handshake in one hand while slipping poison into your drink with the other. She is absolutely an atypical politician (one of the lower forms of life on this planet) and I find her almost, but not quite, as unappealing as John McCain.

The Clintons have lost their appeal to me. They’ve done more damage to Obama than John McCain ever could have. They quickly point out how Obama is losing the White vote, the use of fear and race once again illustrated, however it is Hillary that is in danger of losing the Black vote. Polls suggest that her appeal to African American voters has diminished profoundly, while the overall polls suggest that her negative ratings are as high and higher than 50%. So while Hillary may suggest that Obama is unelectable, which is profoundly idiotic since Obama is beating her in an election, Hillary is unlikable and most polls still suggest that she would lose to McCain, making her statistically unelectable.

While early polls are pointless to begin with, my point is that even the evidence is against Hillary’s claims that Obama is unelectable when it is in fact SHE who is unelectable. Is this any surprise? After all, Hillary is now telling people she won the majority of the vote, yeah, only if you count Michigan where Obama wasn’t even on the ballot and Florida where all Democrats had agreed not to campaign by the DNC’s advisement. A desperate Hillary broke those vows and deceitfully campaigned in both states. Now she says she’s some kind of legitimate winner.

You know, for someone who is claiming momentum, she sure sounds desperate to me. It makes you wonder how far they HAVE and are willing to go to win. That lopsided debate a few weeks back was moderated by Bill’s own former Press Secretary, that “bitter” video came from a Democratic fund raiser. I don’t want to lead into un-evidenced conspiracy, however we must consider the possibilities since these things happen every day and power, above all else, drives people to do profoundly crazy things.

What’s scarier than anything is that she might actually pull it off. It’s a longshot, and perhaps, likely a Pyrrhic victory which will cost her more in November in the long run.

I’ll tell you where it HAS cost her, with me. I’m sick of the Clintons. I’ve seen what they are capable of and I don’t like it. The chief reason why is that I know the Republican leaders are enjoying every minute of this. I can see those rich sons of bitches now, all locked up in their stuffy, elitist compounds with their paranoia, bizarre sexual rituals and profoundly out of touch views, trying to hold back their smiles as they talk about how a black man really had no chance to begin with.

Good job Hillary. While you are apparently willing to destroy your own party to save it from defeat in November, please take note, that you are not only destroying your party, you are destroying hope in the democratic process. You’ve only pushed voters like me into Obama’s camp, who I did not support to begin with because you are an opportunistic, bland and one-ticket politician. Just being a woman or not being Republican is not going to be good enough. If you expect to get us to vote for you in November, don’t expect much, and expect to do a lot of apologizing.

Obama looking sad

Can I forgive her for a third time? Hopefully Obama can put her to bed so I don’t have to. I mean, after all, he IS the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. So come on Obama, put a muzzle on that old man preacher and put Hillary Clinton to bed. Everyone but the media is tired of this election.

About Joshua Johnson

For 8 years, Soapblox.com has functioned as the political blog for up and coming writer, Joshua Johnson. While he writes many different styles of writing ranging from science fiction to social commentary, his true love lies in politics and history. With a degree in History from CSUN, his love of history shines through in his perspective. Josh’s articles are focused heavily on telling the truth and cutting through the subjective and relative nature that is prevailing these days. Hailing from the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Josh has had a decidedly middle-class upbringing, which has translated into a deeply rooted love of the Progressive movement of the early 20th Century. A self-described “progressive” Josh’s political views are quite mixed though lean left of center.