Tag Archives: Century Pamphleteering Operation

Happy 3rd Year Anniversary Soapblox!

3rd birthday pinata

Soapblox has turned 3. After a 9 month incubation period, we launched Soapblox on July 4th as I claim, because it is a very appropriate time for a 21st Century Pamphleteering Operation devoted to the progress of it’s beloved nation to begin, however, also, it was to ensure that I could remember the anniversary date, as I am terrible about remembering dates, and, let’s face it, Soapblox after 3 years still does not have a full staff of investigative reporters, nor does it have a fully catered office or a girl to get us coffee.

This operation is done the way it should be, guerrilla and under the radar. Which is probably for the best, as some of the things said on this site could land a one way ticket to Bush’s Dungeons of Doom, if broadcast on a wide scale. Which it is not. We are comparable to the truth-crazed pamphleteer on the streets before the Revolution. We simply want a better life, we simply want progress to occur, we simply want the nation to prosper and grow, to sustain it’s power and stability without damaging its own interests, which are ours as well.

thomas paine and his common sense book

Pamphleteers of the American Revolution are similar to today’s bloggers. We seek to inform, we seek to right the ways of injustice and we seek to make progress in a world gone mad.

It’s been a remarkable 3 years! We have seen growth here at Soapblox.com against the decline of the American nation it believes in so dearly. Wars and Presidential elections. It truly is an amazing time to be alive, far more interesting than the Clinton years, when we enjoyed prosperity and partied hard like it was 1999, well it was. Those days are gone, and it is one of the main reasons Soapblox.com was invented. We plan to continue the good fight until the good fight ends, which may be never.

Soapblox.com believes in making Progress. A Progressive has no true allegiance to the Left or the Right, yet the battles we pick tend to lean towards the Liberals and even the Socialists, whatever it takes to make true progress in a world gone mad. Failing schools, failing healthcare, failing emergency response, failing corporate regulation, failure to check the executive branch from expansion, failure to respect and follow the constitution, it is a bad time for the American Empire, especially since we were born a republic and should stay a republic. We have crossed the Rubicon, yet it isn’t too late.

The economic empire that elite families like Bush, Walton, Cheney, Rockefeller to name a few, have co-opted the process with ambitions of warlord proportion. They seek to supersede governments and create a world free of trade roadblocks, they argue, for the good of mankind, or their wallets, which ever comes first. This is well documented on previous articles, and I have pledged to continue the good fight on till the end.

American Liberty my ass

Take a look around you my fellow countrymen and women, are you happy with the state of things? Is America headed in the right direction? GM is talking about Bankruptcy, we’re fighting two wars that are not going as well as planned. Both are longer than WWII and one has wrung up death tolls that are higher than many previous American wars including the Philippine-American War, the most comparable situation to the war in Iraq, and we have yet to see where this whole thing is headed. Every time I read budget in the paper, I see education cut and military up. I see this Evangelical movement pulling it’s minority muscles with huge influxes of cash pulled from their congregations. It all seems like a bad dream, like the last days of the American Dream, before the emerging world rises to crush us. As if War is still an option, still on the table and still very much a part of our future.

It could spell doom if we do not find our way. It could spell disaster if we do not change our ways. It could mean the end if we don’t buckle down and stop with the play.

I am confident that things will begin to turnaround, will it be in time? I do not know.

What I do know is that Soapblox.com will continue to fight on for as long as I can write these damn things.

Thank you for your support everyone, thank you for helping Soapblox.com continue to grow and prosper.