Tag Archives: FOX

Tree Huggers have More Guts than Whinny Conservatives Any Day

Rush Limbaugh is irrelevant

It’s funny how there is a myth that Liberals are femi-nazi, (to quote Rash Limbaugh) tree hugging, Frazier watching, latte drinking, elitist, limousine, out-of-touch and any other wussie mythological talking point falsities. There is virtually not one point in that entire array that is true, with the occasional latte, which is enjoyed by so many Americans that Starbucks became a global empire over night in Red and Blue States alike (uh oh! There’s another myth, we better stay on point). Point being is that from what I can tell, Republicans and especially those who call themselves “Conservative Republicans” are whinny little bullies with clammy pink hands, smoke big fat cigars (likely a phallic complex) and complain about everything! Everything from their taxes, to other complainers, all day long that is all they ever do is bitch and moan and whine and cry and always turn their poor wealthy, elite, powerful, out-of-touch, clammy-handed, whinny little agenda into their own personal victim list.

There is of course the rank & file. They are often poor, non-Anglo-Saxon White who have been suckered into an Elite White game. They “identify” with the poor by way of Populism and misguide the troops into utter mind control with loud-mouthed points that cannot be rebutted, accurately argued or proven. It’s the first rule of brainwashing: present two points, one loud, another in complete juxtaposition (or 180 opposed) that literally contradicts what was just said. This is used to buy time among a confused following to present a better argument that washes the mind of clarity. In other words, Republicans use confusion to their advantage.

Now that McCain has strained his relations with the media it’s always the Liberal Hippie Media that is gunning down the lies in his advertising. It’s as if the Republicans invision some group of pot-smoking Communists are in charge of the headlines. When I put it that way, doesn’t it seem ridiculous? Yet, somehow the Emperor has been naked for 8 long years, and the cowardly corporate-owned media has allowed themselves to be driven by the FOX agenda.

Only MSNBC has gotten away with an almost Progressive line. They have discovered that half the nation (or far greater) doesn’t buy the FOX news lies. I suppose it takes the Marketplace to move agendas, and you know what that means? There is a market for the truth.

Still the wacko Right move on with their BS talking points. Oh NO! They’re asking Sarah Palin tough questions, even asking a potential leader of the free world about the economy? What a bunch of Liberals {sarcasm} and even going as far as to ask McCain why his previous answer to the economy was “the fundamentals of our economy are strong,” and the same day he said “the fundamentals of our economy are in danger,” what!? Really?! Are you and Karl trying to brainwash us? It’s happened before, and until it stops working, the Elite will control.

In generic speak, that’s called a complete 180 flip-flop. Too bad the Rovian playbook has no plan for combating lies made by their own camp, that is, other than attack your opponent. Doesn’t Rove now seems less a genius? He now seems more a man who got lucky and used every below the belt plan to cling to power. Now that his strategy is raveling apart, fall back on plan X: Operation: whinny complainer, which is a drastic set of tactics designed to attack everything about the media and their opponent. You know, the old Liberal Media lie.

Palin looks bad? Blame the Liberal Media. McCain’s making gaffes? Blame the Liberal Media. Everything about your candidate has proven fundamentally wrong? Well, first blame the pot-smoking Liberal hippie radical-Left-wing agenda of the New York Times, uh hmm, then blame everyone else but you.

The Myth of Liberal Media

This is nothing new. Conservatives are ALWAYS the victim. They cry about EVERYTHING. “My taxes are too high” oh boo hoo. “The media is sexist towards Sarah Palin”, so much for pitbull (and the nerve that these are the same liars that concocted the Femi-Nazi statement). The Media points out McCain’s lies quicker than they point out Obama’s, yeah uh huh, whatever. John McCain seems like an erratic, arrogant and confused old man? Hmmm, what do YOU think they are going to say about anybody that reports that obvious truth?

The real point is, that people like you and me don’t benefit under a McCain Administration. Personally, I make less than an average teacher. Health care has been such a worry in my life, it’s caused other health problems, plus, I am a skilled worker that is watching my work get shipped to cheap China and watching my friends get shipped over seas for combat. I am watching friends and myself suffer REAL problems that a Republican has no inclination as to its existence.

Isn’t that the God’s honest truth?

Meanwhile the Right has their agenda: oh No, taxes for the upper class are our biggest problem? Not really. If Bush has been in office for 8 years, and pushed a series of tax cuts that made the rich, richer and have damn near bankrupted our government, let me tell you that taxes are not our biggest problem, it is how we spend it.

Further more, I don’t think the middle-to-working classes should have to bare the burden of rich tax-cuts any longer. Reagan was wrong, deal with it. I think that Obama and Clinton are right, tax the hell out of the rich. They cry about their taxes? Well I got news for you sunshine, they pay less percentage here in California than the poor, they pay less overall than they should in America because of tax shelters and international business dealings. They whine about their islands in the Caribbean and how they got taxed. Oh cry me a river. They still get to enjoy the green grass of the well watered golf course and eat at restaurants with tabs well over a hundred dollars, while we eat at Denny’s.

Rush Limbaugh is a perfect example of this lie. He lived a privileged life, grandson of a Congressmen, nephew of a popular judge, then got a job with the Kansas City Royals because he couldn’t “find” himself. Wow, what a touching story, that is, until he got a chance to bitch and whine about the Liberals trying to end poverty. He used any lie he could fathom to blame the people that tax his upper crust tax bracket. Boo freaking hoo. Poor Rush, what a victim. I feel sorry for you, I really do, and that is not sarcasm.

Meanwhile hardworking stiffs like me have to deal with reality. Rush worries about his squash tournaments and his bad day at the golf course, while we worry about the mortgage, hell, for me, the rent, the health coverage, bad education for our kids and the increasing cost of milk, bread and vegetables.

We are not elite.

We are the backbone of society. We are the hardworking men and women of this great nation and we do it to survive and strive for a better life.

When my girlfriend and I, donated our time to clean up the Los Angeles River, barely making a dent in it, we were not crying about our tax money not working to clean our beloved town’s namesake river. When my friend and I work on a film about the pollution in the river to increase awareness in our spare time, on top of the work that keeps us alive, we don’t whine. Sure, sure, we complain! Because, we have a right too! We are the ones getting screwed every day. It’s rich fat boys like Rush Limbaugh who have nothing to offer but lies, distortion and causes that only divide our country so he can keep his Bush tax cut.

Such selfishness!

Yet us Liberal/Progressives have the courage to stand up and make a difference. We protested the war before it started. We fought for cleaner water for our children, to stop global warming, to end racial discrimination, fight for a woman’s equal pay, and the right for women to decide birth control for themselves, while discouraging abortion. We fight for small business, for organized labor, for the the right to health care, the right to declare bankruptcy and the right to own property. We volunteer to clean pollution, paint over graffiti and help our retirement centers. We work our butts off, and all we ask is a little pension at the end of the day.

These are things that make a difference. “Community Organizer, what exactly is that?” they mocked at the Republican Convention. Well, if they don’t know, then that should tell you where they come from, wealth, elitism and a place that only exists in their mind. Child Labor? Higher productivity with less pay and no pensions? Exploiting cheap labor in this country till they can move the factories abroad, leaving us without pay and bread? Many Republicans are for it!

Don’t you get it? That’s what they are, liars, whiners, complainers and rich powerful men who care not for the problems of their own workers. Why else would they are so much about productivity. We work harder, they make more money, yeah that will solve everything!

And the Rash calls us hippie, peace-nick, communist, tree huggers? My girlfriend deliberately hugged a tree the other day just to let it be known. We Care!

Do we hug trees? Hell yeah, and what are you going to do about it?! You slimey self-destructive, selfish twits? We care about this Earth, God’s creation. Go spit that to your fundamentalist pastor, who seems to forget that Jesus said a rich man has little chance of making it to heaven (because he is married to his money). Meanwhile, we care about the future our children will have to endure. We care about conserving our nation’s natural resources so our nation is strong, and they have the nerve to mock us. We are conservative with the very resources that make those @#!% rich in the first place. What do they conserve?

In fact, when do Republicans stand up for ANYTHING! Taxes, wow, I bet St. Peter is gonna give you a free pass into heaven for that one!

Conservative they say? They aren’t conserving anything but power, and YOU need to know that. They will use division, culture war, anything they can muster to make sure you are crying about taxes, minorities, terrorists, homicide, anything from seeing the reality that you are nothing more than a pawn, used to make the rich Republicans richer.


I’m tired of tired whiners like Rush. All they have to offer is more of the same and more lies. For God’s sake, Rush Windbag was shown up by Al Franken! I mean, I like Al, but think of the appearance, the nerd made the fat bully look like Revenge of the Nerd’s 1, (the actual enjoyable movie of the series) and fatboy had nothing to return but whining and complaining. Poor Oxycotton hypocrite! I really see and understand his pity. No seriously, these guys know nothing of real life. They eat with silver spoons and cry about taxes at tables too long to look the other person in the eye. Rush a populist? Yeah, he wishes he cared about the very people he exploits!

Obama is no demon, and he sure as hell is not the problem. The problem is the rich fat-cats who got us into this mess in the first place. If you see Obama as Black, don’t. See him in practical terms:

Obama wants to cut your taxes more than John McCain
Obama wants to increase Federal Aid for your children’s college education.
Obama wants to punish tax shelters by people like Rush, so they pay their fare share.
Obama wants to pull us out of Bush’s failed war.
Obama wants to embrace the new Green Industrial Revolution and keep America economically strong.
Obama wants to create a health care system that will relive business and citizen alike, keeping healthy workers to employ the small businesses.
Obama wants to put drug offenders in programs (something Rush should enjoy) not put them in prison at a price tag greater than education.

This is the reality of McCain, Bush and Rush. They are the privileged elite, they simply attack Obama on the very thing they actually are so they can beat Obama to the punch. It’s like an evil after school special. The fat, obnoxious, hot-air balloon feels bad because he is fat, dumb and lazy, so he blames others while he eats, eats and eats away while his addiction to hide from reality fills him with fear.

Full of fear is the best way to describe our corpulent foe.

Ask yourself honestly, are you one of us, or do you make over a million dollars a year? If you do make a mill, you’re better of voting Republican. If not, vote for Obama so we can undo the failures of the Bush Administration and restore this great nation to prosperity.