Tag Archives: Duh Private

Moral Outrage

nullOur glorious leader today declared that he opposed expanding the nation’s small, but popular health care insurance plan for low income families, State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) based on what his staffers call “philosophical grounds.”

If that isn’t the height of just-too-muchary. He claims it is “enlarging the role” of the federal government and therefore he must veto the Democratic led plan because “you’re really beginning to open up an avenue for people to switch from private insurance to the government.”

Uhm. Duh! Private insurance has proven year after year with increasing velocity that it has failed. It puts too heavy of a burden on small businesses as well as large, too heavy of a burden on middle class families, especially low-income families, and has led to skyrocketing costs in the development of pharmaceuticals and fancy cutting edge treatments. Sure the rich have state-of-the-art medical care, its just that a vast majority of people don’t have access to good medical care. The myths of the long lines and wait times in universal health-care countries is blown way out of proportion and the horror stories told in Micheal Moore’s film Sicko are not isolated incidents. My own horror stories have led me to believe this with my own eyes.

Bush on Health Care
With each passing day, more people realize that the insurance companies are just a bunch of middle-men getting rich and fat off the blood of the working class. Now that this fat is coming from the nation’s corporations, just how long do you believe this system will remain in place. Let’s tear it down with a wrecking ball!

Remember when cars used to cost under $10,000? As soon as credit plans put $30,000 cars in the range of working class people, the cost of all cars went up, with safety features justifying a more than doubling of the cost. Meanwhile credit divisions for these companies began tapping a new revenue stream: loansharking. The cost goes up, the companies pack more of our money away into inflated CEO salaries and we all live our lives in a slowly rising flood of credit debt.

It’s the perfect plan isn’t it?

Insurance is the same type of scam. It’s the same thing as having some mafioso “take care” of your medical problems. Big time mafioso says “don’t worry about it! I got ya covered. You just keep givin me them checks and I’ll take care of yuz.” Then when time comes to use that health care, big time mafioso is over there talking to the doctors, “look, you! This guy don’t need an MRI! What he needs is a docta that knows what’s best for his own health!” The strong-armed doctor caves, and Mr. big-time Mafioso smiles at the poor patient, especially when he comes by to collect at the end of the month. “I’m over here lookin afta your best interest!”

Tony soprano health insurance
I know you can’t get whacked if you don’t pay your insurance bill. It’s actually a bit worse, they’ll ruin your life, take away your lively-hood, ruin your credit, paint a black mark on you “bankrupt” and move on to the next victim only after extracting every last dime from you.

What do insurance companies do, besides get rich? Good question. Maybe you can tell me since I have found no answer to that question.

It’s time to wake up. Private insurance has failed. Let’s put the federal government in competition with it and see how well private insurance performs then. Let’s let the market decide the fate of Big Insurance!