Tag Archives: Liberal President

It\’s Going to be a Nasty Election, or So the Media Says

Obama will be the next president

Yes folks, it’s going to be ugly. Even though the Democrats, honestly, could put a large indianite object, even a large 16” black spring loaded toy of lewd sexual usage, in place of Obama and still win (although that wouldn’t go down with the “Christians” too well).
All signs of honesty point to an Obama blowout. All signs point to McCain being a tired old man with nothing to offer. Things change in politics, and Obama could blow it, although, I wouldn’t count on it. This man is a natural born politician destined to become one of our nation’s greatest leaders, I believe anyway.

You never know in politics. The tired old “maverick” could pull something out that is fresh and new, but not likely. This is a change election and the old, white, career politician has little to offer once the realities of his tired and old, white Republican base become the source of his power. None of his staff are current, their all old time Repubs still reeling from the success of Bush Part II.

Aside from that, McCain looks weak, tired, I almost feel sorry for him. He isn’t up to this task. Obama has more money, more momentum, more of everything, and all McCain has is the tired old line he’s being forced to carry, and will be forced to carry should he win. He keeps making major gaffes, like referring to the Czech Republic and Slovakia as Czechoslovakia, which has been gone for damn near 20 years!

While it is my opinion that it is extremely unlikely that McCain will win, this Time article I found, buried beneath the rest of the schlock they push, explains it best:

Here is the Time article.

See, the stars are aligning against him. The times are changing and Obama’s so called early election blunders, look like brilliant foresight today. The “Surge” now seems like a good way to get out, despite McCain holding the Bush line. The Iraqi’s want us out and Obama’s visit showed the Iraqi Prime Minister had actually embraced his plan, Gen. Patraeus gave him photo ops. The idea of “talking” to Iran is now the Bush Administration’s official policy and the idea of a bright and shinning city on the hill looks best in the hands of Mayor Obama, as the Europeans eat him up. He almost looks too Presidential, too soon. Many are worried that he is getting ahead of himself.

Many say he is unpopular with the Jews too. According to J-Street, incorrect.

As the J-Street Report proves, things are clearly being trumped up by the media. They love a close election. They love headlines, in fact they need headlines that will grab your attention and bring you into the site so you can click on the advertising (which btw, feel free to do so here too, you know this site is still operating on passion, LOL). So you see, it is this that drives these massive multi-billion dollar corporations to pursue your entertainment. Your eyeballs = more sponsors = more money = more power, simple formula really.

Expect everything the Right will throw at Obama to stick hard, the media loves a good fight, and unfortunately the heads of the News conglomerates are all Don King kinds of promoters. We must resist it. We must unify. I am even considering giving money, which to me is a big deal (I prefer to give my money to charities), yet this is too important of an election fo let slip. The media will do their bidding as long as we fall for it. So let’s not. Let’s show our force by making Obama a leading sponsor. That’ll change their tune, that’s for damn sure.

So be weary of this “nasty election”. It is nothing more than show. Obama is being picked on because he is in the lead. Taking him down brings more tension, more tension means more eyeballs and etc. and so forth.

In actuality, we may be facing one of the greatest blowouts in history. Polls? Their all from the same media organizations that stand to gain from you believing it’s a close election, motive and opportunity. They’ve proven this election cycle to be absolute BS. So pay no attention to polls, pay attention to your duty to turn this country around, it all begins with electing the opposition.

Many on the Left do not see this. Even my fave commentator Robert Scheer has been sounding angry these days. Come on my fellow friends on the Left, this isn’t about ideology, this is about pragmatism. We need to advance the nation forward, not undercut the Democratic candidate because he isn’t far enough to the Left. The President should be in the middle. Unlike Bush and the potential McCain, we need someone to represent all Americans. With a quiet Left leaning agenda, he can get more done than any openly Liberal President ever could, at least for now. So lay off!

Lucky for us Progressive’s, our ideology is progress. We believe in advancement. We believe in marching forward. Even as we embrace the programs of the Left, we must remember the pragmatic and realistic nature of politics. Vote strategic, don’t get caught up in punditry and rhetoric. It’s simple. More Bush, or no more Bush! So Vote change! It’s the only way to shift this country away from the God awful mistakes we’ve made the last 30 years. We are all in the same boat. We here in the engine room are working our ass off amidst the rising water levels. It will of course be us who drowns first, than the 2nd class, by then, the 1st class are in their little rescue boats watching us die, floating off to another boat, to exploit the fruits of their labor.

We are the engine, we are the power, we are the one’s who make the wheels spin. Some soft pink hand man tells you to hate and you fall for it? Don’t! Enough is enough!

Don’t you think?