Tag Archives: Malaria Awareness

Just a Dancin Fool

Yes, that is George W. Bush. No this isn’t a comedy sketch that was planned.

[If you can’t see the video click here to view]

I’ve got to hand it to him though; he is a better dancer than he is a president. Too bad he’s a lousy dancer.

Try to imaging if you will, that while U.S. soldiers are killed abroad, while Iraqi citizens are slain in brutal bomb attacks, while the U.S. economy goes to pot, while parents grieve in Virginia, while millions in Africa are dying of disease, which is what this whole press conference is all about…

Our fearless leader still takes the time to honor Malaria Awareness day with song and dance. Sure there’s nothing wrong with tossing one off once in a while, but while the President claimed that he wouldn’t tell jokes at last weeks White House Correspondence Dinner (opting instead to let famed antique comedian Rich Little tell 20 year old jokes [see below]), he goes off and makes an ass of himself in front of the whole world anyway. I think the President was right the first time.

Shut up and get to work! When your own father and former President is talking about Bush Fatigue, you best get your ass in that oval office chair and start fixing all the problems, many of which, you started!

Oh and Rich Little. Jesus, were they really that scared of a popular comedian grilling the President, like my hero Steven Colbert did last year, that they had to pull out the most dated, homogenized and bland comedian they could possibly dig up? Oh look he’s doing the same Reagan jokes he did 20 years ago, what are they “edgy now that “the Gipper” has gone up to that great Iran Contra Trial in the sky?

What a bad choice!

Then again, they could have gone with M.C. Rove again. That would have been worse.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Republicans aren’t funny!