Tag Archives: Numorous Republican Senators

The Dam is Breaking – Republicans Abandon Bush

Bush is the worst president in history rolling stone bush sucks buck fush

The little Dutch boy would need to hire a crew of Mexicans to help him plug all the holes in the Bush Administration’s wall of defense. Unfortunately for them, Alberto Gonzales was not one of them today. His clear failure to defend the shady handling of the firing of 9 attorneys for political purposes has left Bush and his cronies defenseless to the Senate investigative committees, which are now looking directly at the White House. Bush and his cronies, coming off the fresh sentence commutation for convicted perjurer Scooter Libby, have refused to cooperate with the Senate Judiciary Committee, allowing two supenaed associates to simply refuse to show up. In other words Bush told the Committee to go f___ themselves.

Today, Gonzales took the stand in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee to defend their recent actions. The Senate was baffled by this seemingly mafia-like attitude that they don’t even have to respect Congress enough to show up and lie. A lot of Senators have been rumbling on the Republican side of the aisle these days and they’ve been finding their unquestionable loyalty oath to Bush to be null and void.

bush gonzales two peas in a pod

Is it any wonder that Republican Arlen Specter has joined the effort by Democrats to push the issue forward? Especially with shocking reports coming out like Gonzo apparently was involved in the pressuring of then Attorney General Ashcroft (who was in the hospital for surgery and heavily drugged) to sign on to Bush’s warrentless wire-taping law, which many consider to be illegal in the first place.

Gonzo gets pummled at senate committee

Specter is a moderate Republican, or what I call traditional Republican, which means he’s not one of the nutjob Right, and along with his fellow moderates, they’ve been abandoning Bush slowly but surely.

I know there are many on the Left out there that feel the Democrats should impeech Bush and all that, however what they don’t get is that politics is power. If you don’t get half the Republicans to abandon Bush, any attempt to impeech the leader or pass anything over his veto will fail. What Specter, Lugar and the other defecting moderates signal is the beginning of the end for Bush. He’s loosing his power out in the open. If we are seeing Republicans defect, just imagine what’s going on behind the scenes. Many rumblings are rumored to be coming from that little room next to the Senate Chamber.

Numorous Republican Senators are planing to use the upcoming September report on Iraq as an excuse to end support for the war. It’s become so wide-spread, that Bush is now talking about the report being delayed. Will this be the last straw for Senate Republicans? Will they sit down and take Bush’s weakening of the Legislative Branch?

They’ve handed the fate of their party to this man who claimed he had all the answers. He said he’d cut taxes and make America’s economy stronger, restore “integrity” to Washington and renew faith in the American system. What he actually did was give enormous welfare checks to big business, handed out millions of dollars worth of tax cuts to billionaires, bullied Congress and brought more scandals than Americans knew how to comprehend all while giving America it’s second losing war.

America is in a bad state from his bad leadership. We’re living in a second Gilded Age. The middle-class is in decline, while the rich are enjoying the greatest prosperity they’ve ever had. Even the high class housing market is doing well, while the middle class sees record foreclosures. So called “rugged individualism” has divided Americans into isolated consumers. We’re getting steamrollered by the corporations who have one hand in our pockets while the other hand is giving our cash to the politicians so they can take even more money from our pockets. It’s a free-for-all fleecing of the American Dream.

Take the insurance companies for example. Insurance companies are the biggest scam in capitalism, all they are is a system of middlemen who collect money for things that haven’t happened, when they do happen, they try not to pay for it. They’ve become even wealthier thanks to the Bush Administration with laws that make it mandatory for their existence to continue, like the prescription drug initiative (Medicare Part D). How is this the free marketplace? What a crock.

Well, Americans are not happy with the state of things, and the Republican party is very worried that they’ll get the blame for it. Well, they’re concerns are very justifiable. The Republican presidential candidates look weaker by the day, the party is fractured and the Republican base is looking less and less energized, especially when they see all the scandals.

bush is an american psycho

Bush is finished, but he can still take all of us down with him. Let’s just pray there are still enough people left in Washington with enough sense to stop this corrupt and evil man.