Tag Archives: Popcorn Shrimp Platter

Elitists Call Obama an Elitist

rich people call obama an elitist

You gotta love the Right’s pathetic attempt to make Obama look like an elitist. Here, you have extraordinarily wealthy, spoiled, fat, cigar smoking,, West Palm Beach pundits like Rush Windbag combined with well salaried, latte drinking, ivy league educated, insolated and out of touch “journalists” , and don’t get me started on the politicians (like Bush) who come from a long line of well-to-do political dynasties, trying to tell the average Joe what is elite. It simply doesn’t wash.

As Colbert satirized, conservative NY Times ignoramus, David Brooks, said “Obama is not the kind of guy you’d see eating at an Applebee’s salad bar”. As the brilliant Colbert pointed out, Applebee’s DOESN’T HAVE A SALAD BAR! This $1000 sporty tie wearing NY Times wacko Rightie pundit likely doesn’t know his Popcorn Shrimp Platter from his Red Hot Jalapeño Poppers. Of all people I can’t see eating at an Anytown U.S.A. corporate eatery, it’s political pundits like David Brooks, and while I CAN see Rush stuffing his fat face with Awesome Blossom grease puddles, it is highly unlikely that any of these spoiled brats have ever gotten a callous on their soft, pink, clammy hands.

Obama was NOT born into a wealthy political dynasty like George W. Bush nor does he come from a long line of upper tier aristocrat navy brass like John McCain. Obama is a self made man that took out over $60,000 in loans to pay for his Harvard education. He didn’t have daddy buy his way in like many a Republican loud-mouth and he’s not some son of a wealthy lawyer and/or grandson of a U.S. Congressman like Rush Limbaugh.

rush is an elitist

Most of these news pundits make millions of dollars like Hannity’s $10 Million contract. They’re not beer drinking, bowling league, NASCAR fans,,, they’re wine drinking, cheese eating, $1000+ suit wearing, power hungry elitists, with a vested interest in receiving Bush’s tax-cut handouts to the super rich What is sad is that these guys prey on the “blue collar” crowd with divisive rhetoric and easy answers, all the while, these upper class born pundits have never worked a day in their lives. They actually make even more money filling working class minds with empty words. Blame anyone but the rich and powerful for all the problems in the world. Call someone else the very thing they are (ie: elitist, hypocrites, rich, out-of-touch, gay, etc.) that way no one will suspect they’re actually gay, elitist, rich, hypocrites that are extremely out-of-touch with reality. Elitist? What can be more elitist than a rich and powerful cigar aficionado who hob knobs with powerful politicians?

obama is an elitist, oh no!

No folks, I refuse to let the Right Wing Whack Jobs of America take this word from us hard working, progressives. THEY ARE THE ELITE. Phony populism simply will not do any longer. The time has come for REAL populism that will reform the problems created by this crooked Right Wing regime. The manicured hands of the political pundits lay no claim to the word elite. They seek only to pacify the working classes and steel from us the words that describe them best (they use it first to degenerate the phrase into partisan bickering).

Why do you think these pundits talk about the free market? They want their stock dividends to increase and their taxes to decrease. How many of us working class people own stock, and I mean enough stock to where you actually make more than a buck fifty a year? The top 5% of Americans collect over half of the stock dividends in this country. Why do you think Republicans blocked a measure to tax the oil companies today?

The Right-Wing has proven that they are completely hypocritical on every issue they spew from their filthy, lying traps. They talk of Life then start wars that kill half a million lives, than cut wages and benefits for the very soldiers they send off to war with inadequate equipment the tax-payers paid for. Build schools, hospitals, roads and a strong democratic government in a foreign country? Why not try that here first! These folks are the same elitist inner circle that gets rich on the blood of humanity like greedy vampires. They’re rhetoric projects fiscally responsible, protectionist, straight Christian family values when their actions tell a different story. They increase government, love free trade &immigration, contradict virtually every commandment and are largely closet homosexuals. Not to mention the most damning contradiction, their pro-corporate, lower wages, higher productivity, less government assistance stance has damaged the American family more than any other factor. Lower wages force the two income family, less college assistance puts $60,000 bills on the backs of working families, less health care threatens to drain families bank accounts, foreclose on the American Dream, and even end lives. All this translates into less parenting, less tradition, more unhappiness.

Convincing workers that lower wages are somehow good for them, that a $600 check from the government can make up for piss-poor education and health care while tax breaks to the richest Americans will somehow be good for you? Sounds like a giant scam to me. A scam perpetrated by the controlling aristocratic class, in other words, the ELITE.

One of these days, the heartland, blue-collar country folk will wake up from their dazed stupor of culture war politics and cease to be manipulated so easily with divisive words. It is an inevitability as we are running out of people to hate. Gays? Immigrants? Muslims? Elitists? Sounds like the actions of a desperate party with absolutely nothing to offer but words.

Working class people of America, the times has come to ask yourself a very simple question first asked by a Republican. Are you better off today than you were 8 years ago?

obama is not an elitist