Tag Archives: Pulitzer Prize

The Ailing L.A. Times

Recently, the L.A. Times announced it would lay-off 85 staff members, claiming it was due to rising costs and other nonsense. Tribune (The Times parent company) made a fortune off their publishing division, despite a scandal last year where they falsely stated their circulations to increase ad-rates.

The paper has always had a solid core mid-to-left leaning audience, and they have been slowly pushing them away, leaning increasingly to the right, then they blame the whole thing on people’s disinterest in reading the paper, or the internet. While these reasons undoubtedly contribute, one must seriously consider the fact that alienating your audience is bad business. Another Tribune paper, Newsday, is following in the same direction. Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Laurie Garrett ripped into Tribune and spoke of the way they ruined Newsday.

The thing that takes the cake was the firing of Robert Scheer, a renowned Liberal opinion writer. His writings were way ahead of the curve on the scandals in the White House, the involvement in Enron and the lies and deceit used to coax America into the Iraq war. How is his accuracy rewarded? They fired him.

Scheer said the following about Johnson (The L.A. Times publisher) and his unexplained termination: “Jeff Johnson, who has offered not a word of explanation to me, has privately told people that he hated every word that I write. I assume that mostly refers to my exposing the lies used by President Bush to justify the invasion of Iraq. Fortunately sixty percent of Americans now get the point but only after tens of thousands of Americans and Iraqis have been killed and maimed and the carnage spirals out of control. My only regret is that my pen was not sharper and my words tougher.”

I am sick and tired of the right-wing nut-jobs taking over the media!
At least this time we can take some action!
If you’re as troubled as I am in the downslide of the L.A. Times, and it’s lack of commitment to serious journalism, then click the following link. It will take you to MoveOn.org’s petition to stop the firing of the 85 employees. It will give you a chance to send them a piece of your mind as well.

I attached the following brief statement to the petition:

I am deeply disappointed in the direction of the L.A. Times. It’s noticeable shift to the right is very troubling, and the recent announcement of laying off staff members, which is purely profit driven, is enough to cause me to think twice about picking up your paper or visiting your website.

I have heard that your circulation is down, and that is of little surprise to me. When you alienate your core readers, you are bound to run into trouble.

I used to be able to pick up an L.A. Times and know I was reading the truth. These days, I deeply question the reporting and headline selection. Ever since Tribune became the owner, the paper has gone down hill.

Please stop sinking what was once a flagship of good journalism!

Enough is enough!