Tag Archives: Republicans Always

Oil is thicker than Blood

Hum-vee leaking blood and oil

As a hardworking, loyal, tax paying citizen, I die a little every day knowing that not only is my nation trampling over a foreign land with thoughts of imperial conquest, war economy and oil extraction, but the fact that I’m paying for it, like it or not, makes it all the worse. That soon to be trillion dollar war took money that could have been spent on improving our schools, creating mass transit, job training for our nation’s future economic hopes, improving our parks, building monuments and extending an economic hand to those who could use it. Instead we have blown our wad on the systematic destruction of a 3rd world country, killed 300,000-600,000 innocent people and set respect for America back 50 years.

What really grabs me by the jewels is the fact that not only do WE hard working citizens have to pay for it, the Oil companies, who stood to benefit the most, had Iraq worked, don’t feel they should pay into the American system. Thanks to Republicans, who blocked a measure Democrats hoped to pass that would force Oil companies to pay for green initiatives, today they can rest easy knowing they can pay less than their fair share. Instead we have to pay for it. That nice fat tax cut they got from Bush, passed in the name of 9-11, will not be reversed.

evil Exxon ceo fat double chinned sob.

Good for Republicans! Always putting their faith to money, big business and a bunch of right-wing nut jobs over the plight of the working man and the prosperity of the family and the United States.

With gas prices where they are, oil company profits where THEY are, and with oil companies manipulating the supply of gasoline by shutting down refineries, there is no excuse. The Republicans should be sticking up for the American people, not sticking up for the companies who are sticking it to the American people!
