Tag Archives: Southern State

Paint it Blue

Virginia is turning blue

Virginia is becoming a blue state! Well that’s all right-wing divisive political strategy to begin with. However, by their own play book, they’re one election away from losing the grand old capital of the Confederacy to reasonably centrist Democratic candidates, or as Repubs call em, Communist, Left-Wing, Liberal, radicals.

Former governor and popular Democrat Mark Warner is so far ahead in the polls that it would take a force of macaca proportions to bring him down. Since this is the state that brought you George Allen and the great macaca collapse of 2006, I wouldn’t rule anything out.

If Virginia becomes a blue state, certainly the entire strategy of the Republican divisive culture war will begin to erode even further. While they play heavily on the heartland, their effectiveness in the South borrows from political plays first used immediately after the Civil War. The fear of government angle, was used for 100 years to scare poor white Southerners into fearing the big bad federal government from coming into their home counties and telling them that they couldn’t segregate a la Jim Crow any longer. Which was ultimately just rich white Southerners distracting the poor white Southerners by getting them by blaming poor black Southerners for their woes. After all, the integrity of their pure white women was at stake, why wouldn’t they forget all about the fact that plantation owners were screwing over sharecroppers white and black just the same.

some similarities between the slave holding South and the red-state blue-state political divisions

Virginia is certainly not deep Southern territory, however it’s conversion will be felt far and wide in the deepest Southern regions. It ends the simple black and white philosophy that Southerners have loved to embrace since the time of Thomas Jefferson. Now a Southern State doesn’t necessarily mean a red state. Which is a good thing.

Poor Southern whites have been manipulated by the age old aristocratic elite for long enough!

White Southerners were manipulated by Jim Crow, distracting them, pointing racism toward the devastation of African Americans