Tag Archives: Tony Soprano

European Tour

Today I leave for Europe with fellow Soapblox founder Ebb and Flow. He and I are hoping to discover if we are really as hated around the world as some people claim we are. We will arrive in London, tomorrow, which is by all accounts, these days, a hornet’s nest. I expect to discover interesting opinions and a lot of anger, interest, confusion and even a little sympathy. I can imagine I will discover a lot of things I cannot possibly foresee as well.

Please continue to check this site over the next 2 weeks as I report from the condition of events abroad. My posts will be shorter, yet I promise to keep my eye as sharp as ever.

Last night as I was driving back from a meeting, I drove by the new Orange line (Rapid Transit) here in Los Angeles. The preschool I have such fond memories of as a youngster has been cleared to make way for a parking lot. It is a true sign of progress, all be it a sad one. A rare electrical storm flashed off in the distance, as I drove off toward home. A strange feeling struck me that the America I know and love will not look the same when I return. I’m not sure exactly to what degree or how so, but I can be certain that our country is going through such volatile times, that even 2 weeks removed may be profound.

Today as Cindy Sheehan, mother of fallen soldier Casey Sheehan, comes forward to ask this president about our reasons for going to war in Iraq, I couldn’t help but notice all the right-wingers armed with their weak talking points. The right is sounding so weak, I think they’re really about to crumble. Our beloved Oxy Cotton Moron, is out bashing this mother who lost her son to this war in Iraq. Now you tell me, go to Rashes site and tell me this guy is “in touch” with the $2.50 a gallon gas paying culture as he sits on his site with his cigar, trying to look like Tony Soprano, I guess that’s the only way a large ugly fat white guy can look cool.

Regardless of what these morons like Sean Vanity, or Scaredborough on the right think, this mother is a real hero for standing up to the president. I for one think it takes real balls to stand up to a someone who didn’t even serve in combat but calls himself a “war president” and is surround by extremely wealthy people who didn’t serve either and defend everything the President does. It’s ironic that many of these guys stand to make a fortune off the war in Iraq.
The Bush Family

The Carlyle Group

And the U.S. lost 9 Billion dollars while spending money over there in Iraq! Whoops!

Oh yeah, and guess what, that’s Halliburton.
Another perspective.

Well my fellow citizens, the tide is beginning to turn. I can see the entire house of cards beginning to crumble from every article I read. The truth is beginning to leak out. The more we talk about it, the more the threat of ignorance will be crushed.