Tag Archives: Virginia Democrat

The Politics of Calling Politics, Politics

know your politician they're all scumSenate Republicans killed a measure led by Jim Webb, Virginia Democrat and father of a U.S. Soldier in Iraq, that would have required the armed services to give a soldier more time to recover after serving a tour of duty. The amount of time at home would have been equal to the amount of time served in a combat theater. Republicans claimed that the strategy would have forced a draw down of troop deployments and that ultimately Democrats were just playing politics with our soldiers. The same message has been echoed by the White House for just about every issue from Iraq right on down to investigations of the Bush White House itself. It is after all, politics, to criticize politicians for being politicians.

“They’re just playing politics” is a familiar cry. Former Attorney General “Gonzo” Gonzalez said the attacks levied against him were all politically motivated, that the simple fact he led the Department of Justice to what has been called the worst period in it’s history with the lowest morale, was just not enough to motivate Democrats. As long as Republicans went along with defending Gonzo, even though the Washington insiders all knew Republican leaders were trying to get Gonzo out, the outlandish and desperate “it’s just politics” defense seems justified. Which is ultimately, you guessed it, politics.

So in the end, who is playing politics? Well, I’m not a Washington insider, but I’d guess: the politicians.
Gee, you think politicians should play politics? Why that’s like an accountant playing accounting or a baker committing the typical act of baking.

I don’t know about you, but I want my politicians playing politics just like I’d like a chef to be a good cook or a banker to know how to manage my money. It’s absurd to think otherwise. There are hardly any jobs in this world that people get chastised for doing them correctly. Lawyers are the best example. We all know it’s a dirty job, but after all, to complete the overused phrase, someone’s got to do it. Calling someone a good lawyer can be a bit of a criticism, however, there is a level of respect. Calling a lawyer a good lawyer is far more positive than calling a politician a good politician.

politicians feeding like the fat greedy bastards they are

What’s even more amazing is that people seem to have lost touch with the need to have a good politician. It’s just like having a good lawyer. You don’t have to like them or everything they do, but at the end of the day if you can say they fought in your interest, count yourself lucky. Especially since the halls of power are infested with an even slimier beast: lobbyists.

Power attracts all the wrong types of people. This is nothing new, and likely will not change anytime soon. It is the reason that power always corrupts that the founding fathers created checks and balances. They knew that the King would rule in his own self-interest first and foremost. This is the best vaccine for fighting corruption to date, as it has endured 2 centuries and helped to virtually eliminate the reign of absolute power.

The irony is, calling politics, politics, is just another way for politicians to play politics. They do it because it works. No one wants to be called a politician, no one likes politicians. The word politician itself is synonymous with corruption, greed and smoke-filled backrooms where dirty deals are made that screw the little guy. Is this any different from a corporation? Why don’t we give the boardroom the same treatment?

In the end however, politicians will always be politicians. The definition in political science textbooks defines amateur politicians as someone with ideals and professional politicians as someone who is realistic about how power works. You want someone in there who knows what they’re doing, pure and simple. The responsibility is on we the voters to truly understand the situation and be pragmatic about our representatives in government. Whether or not you want to drink a beer with the guy or even whether or not a man is a devout Christian is about as relevant to politics as their taste in clothing. Besides, these guys are surrounded with large staffs, all of which are not up for election.

Who the hell cares about the politician’s values? They’re politicians, they’re not supposed to have values.
Who the hell cares about a politician’s sexuality? They’re politicians, they’re not going to be faithful, gay or straight.
Who the hell cares about a politician’s religion? They’re politicians, if there are any standards in the afterlife, these guys would be cruising the river Styx with a one way ticket.

What I care about is who they’re taking money from.
Politicians bought and sold by the corporations

So when Republicans talk about playing politics, I have to laugh, because if they don’t know how to play politics, then they’re in the wrong profession. Seeing as how they’ve mismanaged almost every branch of the bureaucracy into complete turmoil, with fresh resignations today from the department of agriculture, I think Republicans just may be right about what they say. They’re clearly ignorant at their own jobs.